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When it comes to substance use disorder, there are many different types of addiction. One of the most significant problems people with an addiction face is separating themselves from other people who have or have had a similar addiction. The mind tells you that your disease isn’t as bad as someone else’s and thus you begin to think they aren't suffering as much as you which allows the problem to persist. To overcome the problem - look beyond yourself and consider those around you. We are all unique but we all suffer similarly. Just because someone has a different degree isn't necessarily better or worse than your own - but this problem is only overcome when we fully understand that no matter how big or small of an issue is – we're all in this together! It's not just about overcoming our own pain, but rather seeing one another as part of each other and spreading our support so that others may accomplish the same goal!

Addiction isn’t necessarily about drug and alcohol use but rather it occurs when an individual’s brain chemistry is altered due to repeated exposure. This dependency comes as a result of the addict experiencing a problem in how the brain regulates dopamine, the chemical responsible for pleasure. Humans have naturally needed this chemical because without it we wouldn’t have survived. The issue with those who are addicted to addictive substances like stimulants, alcohol, or even prescription drugs is that they consume too much and it results in an excess flood of dopamine. The particular substance being used will affect the duration, intensity, or severity of the dependency.

Genetics, Psychological and Environmental factors, the timing of exposure to the substance, and the type of substance used can all influence whether a person is likely to become addicted to a substance or not. Abused substances will affect the way our brain’s reward circuit works by changing the receptivity and production of specific neurotransmitters. So ultimately, addiction has less to do with willpower or moral fiber and more to do with how exposed you’ve been! [1]

This is why facilities like the top 10 rehabilitation centres in India offer a wide range of substance abuse treatment programs designed specifically to help people beat all kinds of addictions.

Whether your addiction is to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, prescription medications, or meth... your addiction isn't any different. This is mainly due to a problem with the brain's prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex plays an important role when it comes to things like impulse control and attunement to oneself, as well as empathy for others and the ability to control the expression of emotions inappropriate social situations.

“Brain imaging studies of people addicted to drugs or alcohol show decreased activity in this frontal cortex,” says Dr. Nora Volkow, director of NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse. When the frontal cortex isn’t working properly, people can get irrationally upset even if they realize the price of taking drugs may be extremely high, and they might lose custody of their children or end up in jail. Nonetheless, they do it anyway no matter how irrational it is; and this is all due to a shortage of dopamine in that specific area of their brain. [2]

However, with the right treatment team found in any rehab in India, a person can identify the triggers and mental health issues that contribute to and spring from their substance use disorder.

Addiction treatment at the rehab centres in India is considerably great for individuals who can't tolerate the way they've been living any longer. In order to enjoy the benefits of treatment and therapy methods such as group therapy, you should look for similarities rather than disagree with what others are saying about their particular addiction. Only perceiving the differences unconsciously justifies your own dependence on alcohol or narcotics for example. As soon as you start understanding what others in this manner have a tendency to discuss, you soon realize there are actually some significant resemblances between a heroin addict and an individual who's dependent on alcoholic beverages.

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that brings together clients to discuss issues and problems. There are many different ways that these groups can be assembled, often based upon similar age or gender, as well as specific psychiatric symptoms. Group therapies are shown to have a number of advantages over individual therapy, including the ability to help members learn more about recovery techniques, offer an outlet for peers in recovery to hold one another accountable, provide others the chance to see how other people in their situation deal with the same struggles, allow members to better assist each other by offering their own advice and encouragement. [3]

In group therapy sessions, you’ll begin to see that you’re not alone in recovery. This is extremely helpful because many people in early sobriety tend to feel as though they’re the only person in the world who struggles with addiction. When you're able to connect to others who struggle with addiction despite the type of addiction they have, this helps because it establishes trust on a new level - and being able to trust someone else is a crucial step when one begins their recovery journey after treatment.

Getting Help at a Luxury Rehabilitation Centre in India

When you come to a program in luxury rehab centres in India and you are likely to undergo a variety of levels of care, which offer you a chance to leave drug and alcohol addiction in the past. The top de-addiction centres in India have several personalized individualized tailor-made programs to help you or your loved one beat their addition once and for all. These program therapies include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Individual Therapy programs.

In addiction health care more individualized approaches could mean that on average patients have a consistently higher possibility of helping their situation, even if all the treatments that exist today remain in place. All this means these treatments are highly customized as to the person's situation, which means increased compliance and hopefully a greater chance of earlier intervention for those who might need help. [4]

However, there is never the wrong time to ask for help. Addiction is a disease that affects the lives of millions of Indians every day. Contact us today at if you’re ready to begin changing your life for the better at a top rehabilitation centre in India.

  1. 1. The biology of addiction. Springer. By Brent Macnicol (2016)
  2. 2. Biology of Addiction. NIH. (2015)
  3. 3. Group Therapy: Substance Abuse Treatment. American Addiction centers. 2022
  4. 4. van der Stel J. Precision in Addiction Care: Does It Make a Difference?. Yale J Biol Med. 2015;88(4):415-422. Published 2015 Nov 24.

AUTHOR- Dr. Danish Hussain (MBBS, MD Psychiatry, MIPS)

Dr. Danish received his M.D. Psychiatry and M.B.B.S. degrees from Rajiv Gandhi University of Medical Sciences (Bangalore, Karnataka). He has worked at the Manipal Multispecialty Hospitals Bangalore, following which has continued to undergo regular training from prestigious institutes from all over the world. Dr. Danish serves as Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Psychiatry at AFSMS & RC and is a member of the Indian Psychiatric Society. Dr. Danish uses a holistic approach with his patients and brings his expertise to practice to treat varied behavioral health problems from Addiction disorders to Depression, Anxiety, Personality disorders, and OCD. Dr. Danish’s goal is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

REVIEWED BY- Sudipta Rath (M. Phil in Clinical Psychology)

Sudipta Rath has completed her MPhil in clinical psychology from Utkal University in Odisha (India) in 2020 and is currently practicing in New Delhi as a clinical psychologist at a dual diagnosis facility. She is a licensed RCI practitioner specializing in all forms of psychotherapy. Addiction and mental health are personal subjects for her, and her goal is that she can give a helping hand to those seeking healthy and lasting recovery.

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